Senin, 12 Juni 2023

5 Tips to Look Naturally Beautiful at Home

Hi, do you stay-at-home every day because you are a housewife? Are you freelancers who work from home? Even if you stay-at-home, you can be prettier by wearing beautiful “body shaping dresses”.


Don't let your appearance become ugly even if you just stay-at-home. You have to try to look attractive because it will bring enthusiasm. But how to be prettier even though you are at home almost every day? Here's how:

1. Take a shower

Have you taken a shower today? Take a shower at least twice a day. You can also take a warm bath before going to bed and then put on your favorite pajamas, comb your hair and apply body lotion. You will be more relaxed before sleeping and look prettier and younger.

Never be lazy to take a shower at least twice a day, or even three times a day. Showering will make your body lethargic. You can use your favorite body scrubs while showering, at least once a week, because your skin will be glowing and smoother.

Trust me, take a shower while you have a very bad feeling. After that, take a red or pink lipstick, you will feel much much better and more gorgeous. Even though you work from home every single day, you still have to take a shower to make yourself look fresh and beautiful.

2. Exercise Regularly, at Least Twice a Week

Don't forget to exercise regularly, at least twice a week, or minimum once a week. Wake up and do  some stretching, or having a simple exercise such as sit ups, squat jumps, or pilates. You can also practice dancing or Zumba. Just look for the video at platform streaming and then follow the moves.

Exercise keeps your body healthy and much more beatiful. You will stay slim if you exercise twice a week. But you also have to maintain your diet and avoid fatty foods every day. You also have to eat vegetables and fruit, and drink water to be healthy.

3. Wear Clothes or Dress That Makes You Feel Beautiful

What kind of clothes that you wear at home? You are a stay-at-home mom, but you can still be stylish every single minutes. You have to remember to avoid wearing an old t-shirts and pants, except of you want to sleep early. If you want to be more beautiful and attractive, and raise your mood, you should wear awesome kind of clothes, even if at home. 


You can wear a “shapewear midi dress” that has attractive color. With this awesome shapewear you will look more fantastic and slimmer.

4. Use Skincare and Make up

After bathing, apply skincare to make your skin healthier. Apply moisturizer to make your face look fresh. Apply sunscreen to protect your face from the sunlight. Don’t forget to apply lip balm. Then, apply loose powder and lipstick. You will look fresher and happier.

5. Wear a Bodysuit


Are you wearing shapewear every single day? You should wear a bodysuit to look slimmer. This beautiful “strapless low back shapewear” from Popilush will make you look gorgeous, sexy, and slim.

As a housewife or freelancer who works from home, you can raise your mood by taking care of yourself. You should keep bathing, exercising, and taking care of the body everywhere, even if you a stay-at-home-mommy. Apply a simple makeup so your face look beautiful and fresh. Don't forget to wear bodysuits and shapewear to make yourself look slimmer and much more beautiful.


20 komentar:

  1. I just know how to call this type of fashion, shape wear. Not only a new vocabulary for me, this is also a good news for me related to fashion. Be beautiful by wearing shape wear and adding some make up on our face.

  2. Even though they have more activities at home, of course women can still look beautiful, right, sis. Even without the need for expensive outlays. For example, bathing and exercising diligently, will certainly make you more beautiful.

  3. I agree with you sist. Take a bath a twice a day is a good choice, healthy and fresh, but honestly I did it just one in a day if I stay only at home, hehe...

  4. Mandi jadi salah satu alternatif yang sering saya lakukan. Kalau menggunakan pakaian tertentu sih jauh, secara baju saya ga ada seperti itu hahaha...

  5. Meski stay at home mom juga harus self love donggg. Yah minimal mandi sehari 2x, ngga cuma pake daster, terus jangan lupa perawatan diri sebagai bentuk self reward juga. Jangan pake daster mulu juga haha.

  6. di rumah aja tuh memang ampuh buat menikmati self love yaa mba, kita bisa memanjakan dan merawat diri kita

  7. Wiihh menggoda semua emang wkwkwk, tapi sayangnya gapernah punya baju kek gitu huhu, harus diagendakan buat beli nih biar suami seneng wekekeke

  8. Tjakep! Dan akan makin cakep kalo kita sebagai istri walo pun di rumah aja, harus tetep jaga penampilan lah ya biar suami ngelirik terus, xixixi..

  9. Exercise is a must. Dgn begitu, tubuh kita akan lebih bugar dan akan semangat menjalani aktivitas. Termasuk peredaran darah ke seluruh tubuh jg akan lancar. Imbasnya, kita akan panjang umur. Amiin.

  10. Iya, sih. Kadang di rumah itu bikin kita jadi males dandan, ya. Harusnya tetap pakai baju bagus biar terlihat menarik, gak cuma pakai baju sekenanya aja.
    Reminder banget ini buat aku, hihiii...

  11. even though at home you still have to look beautiful, wear nice clothes and dress up

  12. I agree with wear bodysuit, specially if often to gym. But after pandemic my body going to aw aw. Use bodysuit like ikan buntal :p

  13. Yang long dress dipakein long outer cakep juga kayanya.. Meskipun press body engga keliatan kalo pake long outer.. Cakep

  14. Body suitnya cakep banget asli, cocok dipadu padankan sama mini ataupun long dress.. ngebentuk tubuh banget, bikin makin cantik dan PD.

  15. body suit popilush terlihat bagus dan kualitasnya oke ya, penampilan makin pede nih

  16. Yes, even just at home, as a husband, we'll be very happy to see our wife looked beautiful everytime

  17. Wah betul banget, jangan lupa mandi emang Kak. Selain bikin cantik juga bikin badan segar. Saya juga menjadikan mandi sebagai salah satu cara untuk menjaga mood biar selalu baik. Gak tau, kalau sudah mandi itu, rasanya pikiran juga ikut segar.

  18. I love all the style it's beautiful and definitely if we want look beautiful at home we have to taking care of ourself

  19. di rumah emang paling nyaman pake baju yang pendek dan terbuka ya, lebih adem dan ga ribet.

  20. 1,2,4 yang sedang diusahakan rutin sehari-hari. sama menjaga makanan, lebih perhitungan dgn komposisi makanannya kalau mau ngemil dan perbanyak minum air putih :D
